How Can I Support My Patient's Support Team?

Respite Care

For family and friends who take on primary responsibility for a person’s care it might be appropriate to explore options for respite /relief care on a temporary basis (approximately 2-3 weeks). Respite care can provide a family member or friend relief from the emotional and physical demands associated with providing palliative care in home. 

To refer someone to hospice care, or respite care, the following criteria is considered: 

  • The client is 19 years of age or older and is enrolled in the BC Palliative Care Benefits Program 

  • The client has been diagnosed with an end-stage illness with a life expectancy of three months or less. 

  • The client agrees to the Hospice Philosophy

  • Based on prior discussion with the referring source, the client and family clearly indicate the desire to be in a hospice setting

  • The client and family express a desire for the client not to die at home

  • The client can no longer safely stay at home by him/herself due to there being no caregiver at home or the caregiver cannot safely care for the client at home with available resources

  • The client is in need of ongoing symptom management but not acute symptom management requiring medical treatment in an acute care setting, e.g., a hospital

  • The client has a Palliative Performance Scale rating of 40% or less (refer to Victoria Hospice Palliative Performance Scale)

  • The client and family are willing to move into available hospice within 48 hours of notice

  • The client and family are aware that there is a standard user fee involved for hospice care. However, fees can be waived for financial hardship.

How respite referrals work

Hospice referrals are processed through the Palliative Access Line (PAL) Clinical Coordinator at 604-263-7255. Please fax referrals, with the required completed paperwork, to PAL at 604-872-7270. 

Please see our Forms section for all necessary documentation.